Is your Rackulator is not scoring properly?
No problem!
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If your Rackulator is not reading correctly, resetting it will fix 99% of all problems. Before starting, change batteries. Most issues are caused by low voltage that causes the Rackulator to become out of calibration.
The fix is very simple and easy to follow.
- Hold the STEP key and the SUB key in at the same time while putting the batteries in.
- CAL should now be displayed
- Press SCORE to enter Calibration Mode
- 0000 should now be displayed
- Calibrate the wheel:
- Measure 50 inches using the wheel
- You will have a count of about 588 (it is okay if not exactly 588).
- Press the NEW key
- Press the SUB key to clear the counter
- Measure 50 inches using the wheel
- Calibrate the tape:
- Measure 50 inches using the tape
- You will have a count of about ~588 (it is okay if not exactly 588).
- Press the DIV_2 key
- Press the SUB key to clear the counter
- Measure 50 inches using the tape
- Pressing the NEW or DIV_2 keys without measuring will cause the calibration to be incorrect
- Steps 5 and 6 can be repeated to ensure accuracy
- Press CLEAR to exit Calibration Mode and enter normal operation
- When checking tape length, verify that you are in SPREAD
- Measure by pulling the tape out, clear to zero counter, and push in the tape while measuring.
- When checking the wheel, verify that you are in BEAM or TINE.
- Check the wheel accuracy in both directions.