
Measure the inside spread of the main antler beams at the widest place. This measurement should be at a right angle to the longitudinal axis of the skull and parallel to its horizontal axis.
Measure the circumference of each main antler beam at the four places indicated below. Circumferences must be taken at a right angle to the longitudinal axis of the angler at the smallest place between typical tines, disregarding the non-typical tines. C-1. Between the burr & F. Measure the circumference of the main antler beam at the smallest place between the first burr and the typical brow line or eye guard (T-1). If T-I is absent, measure at the smallest place between the burr and T-2, which will make this measurement the same as C.2 (Fig. 2). C-2. Between F-1 and T-2. Measure the circumference of the main antler beam at the smallest place between the brow tine (T-1) and second typical tine (T-2). If T-1 is absent, measure the smallest place between the burr and T-2, which will make this measurement the same as C.1 (Fig.2). C-3. Between the main beam and T-3. Measure the circumference of the second typical tine (T-2) at the smallest place between its juncture with the main beam and the third typical tine (T-3). If T-3 is absent, measure halfway between the tip of T-2 & the center of its base where it joins the main beam (Fig. 3). C-4. Between T-2 and T-4. Measure the circumference of the main antler beam at the smallest place between the second typical tine (T-2) and the fourth typical tine (T-4). If T-4 is absent, measure halfway between the beam tip and the center of the base of T-2 where it joins the main beam (Fig. 4).

(Fig. 5) First, it is necessary to determine the main beams and their tips. The main beams are usually easy to identify in mule deer and black-tailed deer because they will end at the front points; however, some non-typical antlers may have more than one projection at the end of the beam. If so, choose the one that appears to be the logical beam tip because of its contour, size, and location. Measure the length of each main antler beam from the bottom edge of the burr (or coronet) to the tip. If a beam tip is broken so that its far point is not on the line of measurement, it should be carded off. The measurement follows the center of the antler’s outer curve and is essentially parallel to the longitudinal blood grooves. Begin the measurement where the center-line of the outer curve intersects the bottom edge of the burr. This will be on the side of the head and behind the eye, not in front of the forehead.
(Fig. 6) Even though in this method all tines are measured and included in the score, it still is necessary to identify the typical tines, because the circumferences measurements must be taken between typical tines, disregarding any non-typical tines that may be present. Measure the length of each valid typical tine one each antler. If a tine is broken so that its far point is not on the line of measurement, it should be carded off. A valid tine is at least 1 inch long and no wider than its length. A typical tine is one that grows in the typical location and manner for that species. Be sure not to measure the tip of the main beam as a tine. While the beam tip is always a typical point, it is not a tine, and its length is already included in the length of the main beam.

Each of the four typical tines that can occur on a mule deer or black-tailed deer antler has a specific identification number T-1, T-2, T-3, and T-4, as illustrated. Record the length of each typical tine on the proper line to the entry lot. Any typical tines that are missing are to be identified by a zero. Mule deer and black-tailed deer can have a maximum of five typical points to each antler. Four typical tines, including one typical brow tine or eye guard 3, plus the beam tip. If the typical brow tine (T-1) is absent (it often is), there can be no more than four typical points (three typical tines plus the beam tip) on that antler. Black-tailed deer often fail to develop the T-3 tine, in which case there can be no more than four typical points on that antler, including T-1 (if present) and the beam tip, or three typical points if T-1 is absent. To be considered typical, a tine must grow in a typical manner and location and form the typical pattern for that species. A typical brow tine (T-1), if present, must grow upward from the top of the main beam-not from the side or bottom of the beam, or from the burr. The other typical points (maximum of four) must grow upward in two forks, with T-2 and T-3 forming one fork, and T-4 and the beam tip forming the other. (Both T-2 and T-4 grow from the main beam. T-3 normally grows from T-2; however, sometimes the growth pattern seems reversed, with T-2 appearing to grow from T-3. If so please disregard it, because T-3 should always be measured as if it grew from T-2.) In mule deer and black-tailed deer, only one tine (not both) of a double tine can be treated as being non-typical.

(Fig. 7) Measure the length of each valid non-typical tine on each antler. If a tine is broken so that its far point is not on the line of measurement, it should be carded off. A valid tine must be at least one inch long, and no wider than its length. Non-typical tines are those that do not qualify as typical.