
Rackulator Holster


The Rackulator Holster is designed and engineered for the Rackulator. Durable, reliable, and lightweight, it is built to withstand everyday use.



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Measuring has always been a two-man affair with tape measure, string and a note pad. No big deal but there’s an easier way; the Rackulator. Simple, fast, and accurate. I verified the accuracy against an official score and it was dead nuts accurate.
I keep mine in my truck.
The buck in the photo measured exactly 159-7/8”.

Michael S.
Michael S.
Verified ownerVerified owner

Some of our greatest memories are spent with family. The Rackulator is a fun tool we enjoy using at deer camp!

Ted Rize
Ted Rize
Whitetail Deer

It took us under 4 minutes to score this buck with a Rackulator 237 4/8. Took it to get scored officially and we were within 3/8s of an inch. The Rackulator is incredible!

Whitetail Deer

As a hunting guide I have scored 100’s of deer for clients. Every year at least 5 clients will offer to buy the Rackulator off me once they see how easy it is to use!

Kelsey Pelletier
Kelsey Pelletier
Whitetail Deer

I have scored 100's of animals and by far the easiest, fastest and most accurate way is with the Rackulator

Tom Nelson
Tom Nelson


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